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  1. “Some Urgent Tasks of Research in India”, Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, No. 8, 1960, Vienna.

  2. “Socio-Cultural Changes in Rural and Tribal India”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. II, Leiden, 1962.

  3. “The Daphla and Miji Society: Preliminary Ecological Analysis” Sociologus Vol. 12, No.2, 1962, Berlin.

  4. “The Cerenga Kulha of Bonai Orissa: their changing Economy” Baesseler Archiv, Vol. XI, 1965, Berlin.

  5. “Technological Development and Cultural Resistance”, Baessler Archiv, Vol. XIII, 1965, Berlin.

  6. “Social Movements among Tribes of Eastern India with special reference to Orissa”, Sociologus, Vol. XVIII, NO.I, 1968, Berlin.

  7. “Ritual Kinship in Orissa” presented at the 8th International Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Tokyo-Kyoto, 1968 published in Reports. Published in Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute Vol. XXXI-XXXII, Part-I, 1970-71, Part-II, 1971-72, Poona-1973.

  8. “Gods, Kings and Caste System in India” paper presented at IX International Congress in Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago, 1973, published in World Anthropology Series, Mouton (in 3 different volumes).

  9. “Pastoralists and the Modern India State” in Pastoralists and Pastoralism in India, eds. L.S. Leshnik and C.D. Sontheimer, Heidelberg, 1975.

  10. “Structural Implications of Ritual Kinship in Peasant Societies”, address delivered at (mimeographed by) Amsterdam University, May, 1979.

  11. “Group Discrimination in Orissa” in Studies in Plural Society, Vol. III of the Case Studies of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, The Hague 1979.

  12. “Evolving a Plan for social inputs in Rural Blocks with People’s Participation” presented at the Symposium on Rural Development in South Asia, AMSTERDAM, 1981 April. Published in the Manav, Vol.II No.1, 1986-87.

  13. “Tribal Polity and Hindu Kingdom: Case Study of Early State Systems in Orissa, India”, presented at XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Canada, 1983, in Orissa: Past and Present, Bhubaneswar 1989.

  14. “Development for Whom? Presented at XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Canada, 1983. Revised version published in National Development and Tribal Deprivation, (ed.) Walter Fernandes. Indian Social Institute. New Delhi, 1992.

  15. “Bali-Aga: Primitive or Pre-Hindu Communities in Bali?” presented at XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Canada, 1983. Revised Version published in South East Asian Perspectives, 1984, Vol.I, No.1.

  16. “Study of other Cultures by Post-Primitives”, presented at the XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Cananda, 1983 (under publication).

  17. “The Oriyan of India” in Muslim Peoples: a World Ethnographic Survey (ed.) R.V. Weeks, Greenwood Press, 1983.

  18. “The State, Tribal Polity and Policy in India and South-East Asia, National Lecture, 1984, under publication in the Third World (ed.) Mario D. Zamora.Williamsburg, 1992.

  19. “Mahatma Gandhi’s Vision of the Welfare State and the Reality: Case Study of Development and Population Displacement in India”, published in the Anthropology of War and Peace, (ed.) Mario D. Zamora etal St. Mary’s College of Bayombong, 1985-86.

  20. “Nutritional Eco-system of Orissa Tribes” (jointly with J. Dash) presented at 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Congress, Zagreb, 1988 and published in Cultural and Environmental Dimensions of Health (ed.) B. Chaudhury, Inter-India Publications, New Delhi, 1990.

  21. “The Oriyans” in Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Vol. III Human Relations Area Files, New Haven, 1992.

  22. “Folk Culture and Society in Orissa and Bali” presented at India – Indonesia Seminar on Cultural Relations, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 1993 (under publication).

  23. “Anthropology in Policy and Practice in India” Country paper presented at the Commission on Anthropology in Policy and Practice at the 13th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico, 1993 (under publication). Publisher: Department of Anthropology College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A.

  24. “Peace with Justice for Ethnic Minorities in the Third World Countries” presented at the 13th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico, 1993 (under publication).

  25. “Beyond the Traditional Village Community and Cooperation in South and South-east Asia” – Paper presented at the 13th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico, 1993 (under publication).

  26. “Entitlement for Food, Social Security and Environmental Management” Published in Abstracts. Livelihoods from Resource Flows, Awareriess and contextual analysis of environmental conflict. August 19-22, 1996 Linköping Sweden.

  27. “Neocolonialist State and Customary Entitlements and Rights over Natural Resources in Third World” presented at the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Session: Natural Resources and Property in Plural Legal Systems, Williamsburg, U.S.A., Co-Author: Ms. Sheela Mahapatra, 1998.

  28. “Forest for People’s Development” presented at the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Session: Forest and People: Conflict of Commercial and People’s Interest, Williamsburg, U.S.A., 1998.

  29. “Environmental Crisis and Tribal Peoples in South and Southeast Asia” presented at the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Session: Indigenous People and Environmental Crisis in the 1990s, Willamsburg, U.S.A., Co-Author: Ms. Sheela Mahapatra, 1998.

  30. “Countering Deprivation of Tribal Rights over Land and Biogenetic Resources: Urgent Role of Anthropologists” presented at the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Session: Policy, Power and Governance: A Critical Anthropology for the 21st Century, Williamsburg, U.S.A. 1998.

  31. “Health Care of Development Displacees: Traditional and Modern” presented at the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Session: Health for All: Relevance of Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom, Williamsburg, U.S.A., 1998.

  32. “Global Environmental Change: An Anthropological Conceptualization” presented at the 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Session: Commission on Anthropological Aspects of Global Environmental Change, Williamsburg, U.S.A., 1998. Co-Author: Ms. Sheela Mahapatra.

  33. “Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction of Livelihoods of the Dam-Displaced People, Ramial Project, Orissa” (with Sheela Mahapatra) in Reconstructing Livelihoods: New Approaches to Involuntary Resettlement. (eds.) Michael M. Cernea & Chris McDowell. Providence-Oxford. Benghahn Press.

  34. “Testing the Risks and Reconstruction Model: Resettlement in India” in Resettlement Risks and Reconstruction (ed.) Michael M. Cernea, Washington D.C. The World Bank.

  35. “Anthropology in Policy and Practice in India” (eds) Carol E. Hill and Marietta L. Baba, in The Globalization of Anthropology. Published by Tim Wallace, Series Editor, NAPA Bulletin 25. 2006 American Anthropological Association.


  1. “Odisara Adibashi” in the Jhankara, Prajatantra Prachar Samiti, Cuttack 1952.

  2. “A Note on Christian Orans in Sundargarh District, Orissa” (jointly with two others), read at the Annual Session, Indian Science Congress, 1952, and published in Vanyajati Vol. V. No. II. Delhi.

  3.  “Education in Siripur, New Capital Bhubaneswar” in the Inaugural Number of the Orissa Tribal Research Bureau, Bhubaneswar 1953.

  4. “Shifting Cultivation in Orissa”, Paper presented at Second All India Tribal Welfare Conference, 1953 published in Report. Delhi, 1954.

  5. “Ashram Schools (Residential Schools)”, Paper presented at Second All India Tribal Welfare Conference, 1953 Published in Report, Delhi, 1954.

  6. “Food Quest among the Pauri Bhuiyan”, Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. IX No. 1, 1955.

  7. “Treatment of Diseases and Sanitation among the Pauri Bhuiyan of Bonai” in Banaja Adivasi Exhibition Souvenir, 1955. Academy of Tribal Dialects and Culture, Government of Orissa.

  8. “Raj Mohini Devi – A Social reformer among tribes of East Central India”, (jointly with another), read at the annual session of Indian Science Congress 1956 and published in Vanyajati, Vol. IV, 1956, Delhi.

  9. “Curricula, Method and Text-Book in Tribal Education” read at the National Seminar on Tribal Education 1965, published by the National Council of Education in India, ed. L.R.N. Srivastava.

  10. “From Shifting Cultivation to Settled Agriculture: the Pauri-Bhuiyan in Transition” Adivasi, Government of Orissa, 1965.

  11. “Community Development and Social Change in India” read at the Inter-University Seminar on Community Development” 1965 published in Sociological Aspects of Community Development (ed). M.V. Moorthy, Waltair, 1966.

  12. “Sociology and Anthropology in Indian Universities: a plea for reorientation” in Quarterly Journal of Indian Studies in Social Sciences, Inaugural Number, 1966.

  13. “Problems of Orissa Tribes – Perspective of their Welfare” in Applied Anthropology in India, ed. L.P. Vidyarthi, 1967. Allahabad. Kitab Mahal.

  14. “The Value and Limitations of Holistic Studies” read at Seminar on Research Methodology, Planning Commission published by the Indian Institute of Economics, Hyderabad, 1967.

  15. “Basic Lapses in the Tribal Welfare Policies” in TRIBE, Vol. V. No.3, 1968.

  16. “Emergence of Adivasi as a minority in India” paper read at the Conference on Social Situation in India since Independence, at Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1969 (revised version under publication?????).

  17. “Social Movements among the Tribes of India” paper presented in a conference on Tribal Situation in India at Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Simla, July, 1969 and published in Tribal Situation in India (ed). K.S. Singh.

  18. “Social Pariahs in Orissa – A study of Untouchability” paper read at All India Seminar on Removal of Untouchability, Varanasi, 1970. Published in the Journal: Man and Life, Vol. 2 NO.1 and 2.

  19. “Patron-Client Relations”, National Lectures, 1970, published in Manav, 1993.

  20. “Ritual Kinship in Peasant Societies”, National Lectures, 1970. Published in Man in Society, 1973-74.

  21. “Role of Hindu Princes in the Caste System”, 13,14,15 – National Lectures delivered at Ravishankar University, Raipur, November 1970. Published in Life and Culture in Orissa. (ed) B.S. Das. Minerva Associates, 1984. Calcutta.

  22. “Transformation of Tribal Society in India”. 2 National Lectures, delivered at Delhi University, 1971. (13-17 being published as part of “Tribes, Castes and Hierarchical Society”).

  23. “Caste and Occupational Mobility in Orissa” Indian Census Centenary Souvenir, 1972, New Delhi.

  24. “Research in Cultural Anthropology” in (First) Survey of Research in Sociology and Social Anthropology Vol. III, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. 1972.

  25. “Cultural Anthropology in India”. Paper read at the Golden Jubilee Seminar on Anthropology in India, Calcutta University, 1972, and published (ed) D. Sen, Calcutta University.

  26. “Fishing and Fisherman on the Chilika Lake” Lecture delivered at the Indian Museum in December 8, 1972, published in the Bulletin of the Indian Museum, Vol. VIII, No.1, 1973.

  27. “Determining Social Types on the tribe-peasant continuum” paper read at the Seminar on Anthropological Studies on peoples of India in the memory of late T.C. Das, Calcutta, 1972. Published in the Journal of Anthropological Society of India, 1974.

  28. “Professor Bose’s Researches in Orissa”, jointly with Dr. N.K. Behura, N.K. Bose Memorial Volume, Indian Geographical Society, Calcutta.

  29. “Tribal Music and Language”, paper read at the Silver Jubilee Celebration, Faculty of Music, Banaras Hindu University, in 1976. (revised version under publication in Sangita Mahabharati, Mumbai).

  30. “Social Structure and Demography of the tribes of Orissa” published (jointly) in Tribal Problems of Today and Tomorrow, Savari Cultural Association of Orissa, 1977.

  31. “Tribe-Caste-Civilization and Nation-Building in India”, presented at Indo-Society Symposium in Social Sciences, Viswa-Bharati, February, 1977. (under revision for publication).

  32. “Viability of Traditional Alternatives to Shifting Cultivation in Saora Hills, Ganjam District, Orissa”, presented at 10th ACAES Post-Congress Symposium on Anthropology of Shifting Cultivation, 1978. (Incorporated in Book No. 7, 1990).

  33. “Protective Discrimination for Weaker Section in India”. Presidential Address, Anthropology & Sociology, Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad held at Shantiniketan, 1979.

  34. “Transformation of Indian Society: its class nexus” in Class Relations in Indian Society, Satanetra Publications, Bhubaneswar, 1979.

  35. “Labour Force Participation Rate among Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of Orissa: 1961-71” (jointly with others), presented at the All India Seminar on Population Policy and Population Problems in India, Population Research Centre, Utkal University, 1979.

  36. “Transformation of Indian Society, Its Class Nexus” in Class Relation in Indian Society. Edited by Basudeb Sahoo, 1980.

  37. “A Follow-up Study of Sterilized Persons in one Gram Panchayat of Modern Orissa” (with another) Population Research Centre, Utkal University, 1981.

  38. “Human Resources for Integrated Development of Rourkela Steel Region”, paper presented at National Seminar on Integrated Development of Steel Region at Rourkela, June, 1981. (unpublished).

  39. “Economic Inter-dependence and Jajmani relations in Tribal Areas” in Economics of the Tribes and their Transformation, (ed.) K.S. Singh, Concept: Delhi, 1982.

  40. “Jharkhand Movement in Orissa” in Tribal Movements in India (ed.) K.S. Singh, Vol.2, 1983, Manohar Publications, Delhi.

  41. “Barriers to Development in Isolated Tribal Areas – 2 case studies of most backward Gram Panchayats in Orissa, paper presented at the National Seminar on Development Aspects of Tribal Areas, Bhubaneswar, 1980, published in the Manav, Vol.1 No.1, 1982-83.

  42. “Ecology and Economy of Swidden Cultivation in India” U.G.C. National Lecture, 1983-84 (incorporated in Book No.7, 1990).

  43. “Modernization of Teaching and Research in Socio-cultural Anthropology” U.G.C. National Lecture, 1983-84 in Man in Society, Vol.3, 1987-88.

  44. “Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar and Bonai Ex-princely states of Orissa” in Tribal Polities and State Systems in pre-colonial Eastern and North-Eastern India, (ed) S.C. Sinha, K.P. Bagchi & Sons, Calcutta, 1987.

  45.  “World View, Mataphilosophy and Nature” presented as Chairman’s address at the Symposium the International Conference on Man and Environment, 1983 December, Calcutta. Published in Man and Environment (eds) S. Sinha etal. Indian Anthropological Society, Calcutta, 1989.

  46. “Cultural Heritage of Orissa” published in Orissa Past & Present. Edited by Shri Gour Prasad Patnaik, January-June, 1989.

  47. “Tribal Polity and Hindu Kingdom : Case Study of Early State Systems in Orissa” published in Orissa Past & Present. Edited by Shri Gour Prasad Patnaik, July-December, 1989.

  48. “Tribal Polity and Hindu Kingdom: Case Study of Early State Systems in Orissa” Orissa Past and Present. Vol. III NO.6. 1989.

  49. “Ecology and Technology of Livelihood as Determinants of Tribal Economy in Eastern India” presented at National Seminar on Ecology, Economy and Technology of Production in Eastern India”, published in Adivasi, Vol. XXX, Nos. 2 & 3, 1990.

  50. “People of Orissa” in the Gazetteer of Orissa Vol. I, Orissa Government, 1990.

  51. “Cultural Heritage of Orissa” in Orissa: Past and Present. Vol. IV No. 8. 1990. Editor: Gour Prassad Pattnaik.

  52. “Customary Rights in Land and Forest and the State” paper presented at the Seminar on Continuity and Change in Tribal Society, Seminar of Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, held in New Delhi, 1991. Published 1993, (ed) Mrinal Miri.

  53. “Development for Whom? Depriving the Dispossessed Tribals”, in Social Action, July-September, 1991. Editor Walter Fernandes.

  54. “Rehabilitation of Tribals affected by Major Dams and other projects in Orissa”, paper presented at the workshop on Rehabilitation of Persons Displaced by Development Projects at the Institute of Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, December 1989 and published in the Report (ed) A.P. Fernandez, 1990, Bangalore. Published in Socio-Economic and Ecological Development by Budhadeb Chaudhuri, Vol. II, 1992.

  55. “Status, Hierarchy and Hinduization in Pauri Bhuiyan society in North Orissa” in the Adivasi, Vol. XXXIII, Nos. 3&4, 1993.

  56. “Concept of Health among Tribal population groups of India and its socio-economic and socio-cultural correlates”, presented at the workshop on Genetic and Socio-Cultural Determinants of Tribal Health, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, December, 1986. Published in Tribal Health in India, (ed.) S. Basu Manak Publications 1994. New Delhi.

  57. “Keynote Address on Development Project and Rehabilitation of the Displaced Persons” at the National Seminar on the theme organized by Institute for Socio-Economic Development, Bhubaneswar. 1994.

  58. “Parameters of Forest Policy for Tribal Development”, Keynote Address, Seminar on Forest Policy and Tribal Development, Koraput, February 1994. Published in Social Action, Vol. 44 No.4 1994.

  59. “Classification and Enumeration of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in Orissa” in Economic News and Views. Vol.2, 1994. New Delhi.

  60. Keynote address for the seminar on “Development Projects and Rehabilitation of the Displaced Persons” Institute for Socio-Economic Development, Bhubaneswar. Published in Development Projects and Rehabilitation of the Displaced Persons. Report of the National Seminar at Pathanivas, Bhubaneswar, January 28-30, 1994.

  61. “Galloping Population and Development” in Economic News and Views. Vol.2, No.4, 1994. Also published in the Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology, Dibrugarh University, Vol.23, 1995.

  62. “The State, Tribal Polity and Policy in India and Southeast Asia” in Indian Journal of Social Science, Vol. 23, 1995.

  63. “Orissa Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy: A Critique” in Social Action, Vol. 45 NO.3. 1995.

  64. “Kingship in India and South-east Asia: A field of transcultural Interaction” presented at the National Seminar on Maritime Heritage of India and the Kalingas in the Indian Ocean” November, 1993.Bhubaneswar, published in Journal of the Anthropological Society of India, 1996. Calcutta.

  65. “Good Intentions or Policy are not enough: Reducing Impoverishment Risks for the Tribal Oustees” presented the World Bank Workshop on Impoverishment Risks. New Delhi. 1996.

  66. “Tribal Heritage of Indian Civilization” in Banaja, Adibasi Exhibition Souvenir, 1996. Academy of Tribal Dialects and Culture. Government of Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

  67. “Folk-Culture and Society of Orissa and Bali” published in Orissa Past & Present. Editor: Gour Prasad Patnaik, July-December 1996.

  68. “Changing Religion and World View among the Tribes of Orissa” in Tribal Heritage of Orissa. Orissa State Council of Culture. Government of Orissa. Bhubaneswar, 1996 and in PILC Journal of Dravidic Studies, 1998.

  69. “Society in Orissa” in Comprehensive History and Culture of Orissa, Vol.II Part II (ed.) P.K. Mishra. Bhubaneswar, 1996.

  70. “Ex-Princely States of Orissa: Their Social History” in Comprehensive History and Culture of Orissa. Vol. II, Part II (ed.) P.K. Mishra.

  71. “Tribal Cultures of Orissa”, with Dr. Jagannath Dash, in Comprehensive History and Culture of Orissa, Vol. II, Part II (ed.) P.K. Mishra.

  72. “People and Society of Orissa” in History and Culture of Orissa. (eds.) K.S. Behera. etal. Vol.1. Land, People and Art. Cuttack. The Universe.

  73. “Relevance of Oral History and Culture for Historiography”, 7th. Dr. R.P. Mohapatra Memorial Lecture, 1996, published in the Journal, Department of History, Utkal University, 1996.

  74. “Rehabilitation by the Government and the People: A Case Study of Impoverishment of Salandi Major Irrigation Project Oustees”. Published in Development Induced Displacement and Rehabilitation. Chief Editor, Pyarimohan Mohapatra, Editor: A.B. Ota, Prof. R.N. Mohanty, Prachi Prakashan, New Delhi, 1998.

  75. “Land Rights and Land Use: Some Aspects of Development in situ in Bonda Hills.” In Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr. N. Patnaik (ed.) K.C. Padhy (under publication).

  76. “Peasant Life Folk Wisdom in Orissa”. (under publication)

  77. “India, Orissa: Social and Cultural Continuities and Discontinuities”. Keynote Address in Anthropology at the International Conference on Rethinking Orissa: Society, Culture and History (March, 1998). (under publication).

  78. “Social Change in Tribal Society in Eastern India”. Supplement to Professor Tarak Chandra Das’ Analysis 1961”. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society, 1998.

  79. “Role, Performance and Constraints of Women Leaders in Gram Panchayats in Orissa: A Case Study of Balipatna Block” (with Ms. Jharana Swain). (under publication).

  80. “Tribal Rights to Land and the State in Orissa, India”, being published in the Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies (ed.) D.K. Behera. Sambalpur 1998.

  81. “Participatory Approach in Resettlement and Rehabilitation Implementation”. By Gopabandhu Academy of Administration, Orissa, Bhubaneswar, 1998.

  82. “Social Movements among Tribes in Eastern India with Special Reference to Orissa: A Preliminary Analysis” in Tribal Transformation in India. Vol. III, 1992. Edited by Buddhadev Chaudhuri.

  83. “Folk-Culture and Society in Bali and Orissa: Some Aspects of Comparison”. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society, Vol. 31, No.2, 1996.

  84. “Involuntary Displacement in Dam Projects and the Tribal Oustees in Orissa”, in Involuntary Displacement in Dam Projects. Edited by A.B. Ota, and Anita Agnihotri, 1996. Prachi Prakasan New Delhi.

  85. “Caste and Occupational Mobility in Orissa”. Sociology in the Rubric of Social Science, 1993. Editor: R.K. Bhattacharya, Ashok K. Ghosh. Published by Director Anthropological Survey of India, Calcutta.

  86. “Ritual Kinship in Orissa” in Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute.

  87. “Tribal Art, Primitivism and Modern Relevance.” In Tribal Art Primitivism and Modern Relevance. Edited by Dinanath Pathy, Published by Working Artists Association of Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

  88. “Education – Old and New” (in Siripur near New Capital, Bhubaneswar) Orissa Tribes Research Journal, 1955. Tribal Research Bureau. Tribal & Rural Welfare Department, Government of Orissa.

  89. “Socio-Cultural Changes in Rural and Tribal India”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. III, No.2. 1962. The Department of Social Anthropology, Karnatak University, Dharwar. Publisher: E.J. Brill, 1962.

  90. “PEOPLE” in Orissa State Gazetteer, Orissa State, Vol.I, (Ed.) N.C. Behuria, Gazetters Unit, Department of Revenue Government of Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

  91. “Development of Cultural Anthropology in India” in Indian Anthropology today (ed.) Dharani Sen, Published: Department of Anthropology, Calcutta University, 1974.

  92. “Folklore of Orissa” (with K.B. Das) 1979. Published by National Book Trust. New Delhi.

  93. “Evolving a Plan for Social Inputs in Rural Tribal Blocks with People’s Participation” in Manav, Vol-II, No.1, Published by Anthropological Society of Orissa, 1986-87.

  94. “Cultural Heritage of Orissa” in Orissa: Past & Present, Vol. III, No.5, 1989.

  95. Professional Reminiscences and Musings. Science Culture and Development. L.K. Mahapatra Felicitation Volume, Editor: N.K. Behura, K.C. Tripathy. Published: Paragon, Surya Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 1992.

  96. “Social Movements among Tribes in Eastern India with Special Reference to Orissa: A Preliminary Analysis” in Tribal Transformation, Vol.III, Tribal Studies of India. Series T 149. Editor: Buddadeb Chaudhuri, Inter-India Publications, 1992. New Delhi.

  97. “Rehabilitation of Tribals Affected by Major Dams and other Projects in Orissa” (ed) Buddhadeb Chaudhuri, in Tribal Studies of India Series T 148 Tribal Transformation in India, Volume II, Socio-Economic and Ecological Development. Published by Inter-India Publications, New Delhi 1992.

  98.  “The Daphala and the Maji Society: A Preliminary Ecological Analysis” in Resarun: Journal of the Department of Research (eds) Shri A. Tayeng and Dr. D.K. Duarah. Published by Directorate of Research Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar 1992.

  99. “Culture of Orissa People” (in Oriya SMARANIKA) by Baxi Jagabandhu Social and Cultural Association, Baragada, Bhubaneswar, 1993.

  100. “Technological Development and Cultural Resistance”. Published in Man in Society. Journal by Anthropology Department. Utkal University. Vol. 8, 1993-94. Bhubaneswar.

  101. “Galloping Population and Development” (ed) Indira Barua. Published in Bulletin of the Department of anthropology Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, Volume 23, 1995.

  102.  “Treatment of Diseases and Sanitation among the Pauri Bhuiyan of Bonai” in Banaja-95. (ed) A.C. Sahoo. Published by Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture, Welfare Department, Government of Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

  103. “The Orissa Resettlement and Rehabilitation of Project Affected Persons Policy, 1994. A Critique” in Social Action Vol 45, No.3, 1995.

  104. “Relevance of Oral History & Culture of History” in Utkal Historical Research Journal, Vol. VII, 1996 Chief Editor: Dr. Karuna Sagar Behera. Published by Post Graduate Department of History, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.

  105. “State, Tribal Polity and Policy in India and South-East Asia” (ed) R.S. Mann, in Tribes of India: Ongoing Challenges. Published by MD Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.

  106. “Tribal Cultures and the Regional Society in Orissa” in Tribal Culture of Orissa. Editors: Santosh Kumar Sethi & Susmit Pani 1997.

  107. “Parameters of Forest Policy and Tribal Development” (eds) P.M. Mohapatra and Dr. P.C. Mohapatro, in Forest Management in Tribal Areas: Forest Policy and Peoples Participation. Published by Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1997.

  108. “Good Intentions or Policy are not Enough: Reducing Impoverishment Risks for the Tribal Oustees” in Development Projects & Impoverishment Risks: Resettling Project-Affected People in India. (eds) Hari Mohan Mathur and David Marsden. New Delhi. Oxford University Press, 1998.

  109. “Tribal Rights to Land and the State in Orissa”, published in Contemporary Society : Tribal Studies, (ed) Deepak Kumar Behera. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1999.

  110. “Changing Religion and Worldview among the Tribes of Orissa” (ed) T.B. Subha, in Wonder that is Culture. Published by Mittal Publications, New Delhi 1999.

  111. “Cultural Heritage of Orissa” in Banaja-2000. (ed) Dr. Manmatha Kundu. Published by Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture, Welfare Department, Government of Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

  112. “Cultural Heritege of Orissa” published in Banaja. Editor: Dr. Manmatha Kundu 2000.


  114. “Changing Religion and Worldview among the Tribes in India” published in Tribal Culture in Transition. Editors: Trilochan Misra, Bimalendu Mohanty, Debi Prasanna Pattanayak, Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar 2001.

  115. “Public Policy and Social Sciences” in The Utkal Journal of Political Science, 2000-2001, Volume-XI (ed) Dr. (Mrs.) Sharada Rath. Published by Department of Political Science, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.

  116. “Human Genomics: Playing God or Frankenstein?” National Seminar On Human Genetics, Health & Ethical Issues, 24-26th March 2001, Souvenir & Abstracts. Published by Department of Anthropology (DSA), Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India-751004.

  117. “Indian Folklore” in Orissa Review, November 2001. Published by Government of Orissa.

  118. “Orissa’s Loka Sanskruti” published in Banaja. Editor: Dr. Manmath Kundu. Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture ST & SC Development Department, Government of Orissa, 2001.

  119. “Orissa’s Lok Sanskruti” (ed) Manmath Kundu in Banaja – 2001. Published by Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture ST & SC Development Department Government of Orissa.

  120. “India’s Cultural Relations with South-East Asia” Published in Dialogue Quarterly Vol. 5 No.1, July-September 2003. Editor: B.B. Kumar 2003.

  121. A Revised and Enlarged Version of this paper was published as a Brochure under the Department of Special Assistance (UGC) Programmes. 2005.

  122. “Brunei” in Asia: Land and People, Volume I, Part I, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2003.

  123. “Cambodia” in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part I, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2003.

  124. “Hong Kong” in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part I, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2003.

  125. “Macau” in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part I, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2003.

  126. “East Timor” in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part I, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2003.

  127. “Indonesia” with K.K. Basa in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part I, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2003.

  128. “Laos” with K.K. Basa in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part II, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2004.

  129. “Malaysia” with K.K. Basa in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part II, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2004.

  130. “Myanmar” with K.K. Basa in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part II, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2004.

  131. “Philippines” in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part II, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2004.

  132. “Thailand” in Asia:Land and People, Volume I, Part II, (eds) A.K. Danda & S.S. Munsi. Published by Professor Dilip Coomer Ghose, General Secretary, The Asiatic Society, April, 2004.

  133. “Human Impact of Forest Management in Indonesia” published in The Dying Earth: People’s Action and Nature’s Reaction, 2004. Edited by Mamata Desai & Manis Kumar Raha. 2004.

  134. “Human Impact of Forest Management in Indonesia” (eds) Mamata Desai and Manis Kumar Raha. in The Dying Earth: People’s Action and Nature’s Reaction. Published by acb Publication, Kolkata 2004.

  135. “Displacement, Impoverishment and redevelopment of the Deprived Oustees in India: A Country Synthesis” published by Co-ordinator, DSA  Programme in Anthropology. Anthropology Department, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar. Occasional Paper 2004.

  136. “The State and Tribal Policy in India and Southeast Asian Countries” published in Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society, Volume 40, Number 1, March 2005.

  137. “State, Society and Religion : Culture-historical Comparative Perspectives of Southeast Asia, Chennai: Emerald Publishers, 2003. Book Reviewed. In Journal of the Indian anthropological Society, Volume 40, Number 2& 3 July-November 2005.

  138. “Displacement of Tribal People with Land Resources for Development Projects: Their Rights and Entitlements for Rehabilitation” in Adivasi. Volume 46, Number 2 December 2006, published by Journal of the Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar.

  139. “Nirmal Kumar Bose Memorial Lecture 2006” published by Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts New Delhi.

  140. “The Cycle of Rituals and Festivals” (ed) Ananta Charan Sahoo, in Banaja 2007. Published by Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture, ST & SC Development Department Government of Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

  141. “Dr. Harekrushna Mahtab Memorial Lecture – 2007 Cultural Synthesis in Orissa” held at Fakir Mohan University at Bhadrak. Anwesha Number-3. Publisher Fakir Mohan University.

  142. “From Justice by Group Retaliation to Participation by Authorities: Transformation among the Feuding Dongria Kondh of Niamgiri Hills, Rayagada District” in Cultural Heritage of Orissa: District Rayagara (ed.) Gopinath Mohanty.

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