The 3rd L K Mahapatra Memorial Lecture by Prof Bhaskar Chakrabarti is titled Good Memories, Bad Memories: How Political Organisations Remember and Forget.
The talk, through empirical research on panchayats, will cover the storage and content of memories in political organisations and will focus on how organisations forget, especially when such memory has faded out. The talk will argue that organisational memory and forgetting are often political strategies used by politicians to channel resources available.
Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Professor in the Public Policy & Management Group at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta studied social anthropology at Calcutta (MSc) and Cambridge (MPhil), and received an interdisciplinary Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, Canada, under the supervision of faculty members from Anthropology, Political Science and Environmental Studies.
With a core competency in evaluation of policy and institutional environment towards management for implementation of local government projects, Chakrabarti synthesises knowledge from various disciplines to foster innovation in people’s participation as applied to practical challenges of governance. His research on decentralisation is also published as a book titled Participation at the Crossroads (Orient Blackswan, 2016).